Clyde McDonald

About Clyde McDonald  – The Photographer

Clyde McDonald considers his official professional freelance photography business start to have begun in the Spring of 1993 with his first “paid” Wedding.

In the years since he has had a tremendous amount of photography experience & training. His training includes some Photography courses at UNC-Chapel Hill during his College career, some online course study with the New York Institute of Photography, previous full-time employment & full studio portraiture training from the Lifetouch Photography Company, & many years of “self-taught” practice.

Clyde McDonald Photography has specialized for many years in the areas of Wedding & Bridal photography, Fashion Modeling portfolio work (including ad imaging for retail Boutiques), Pageantry photography, Senior Portraits, & Business Profile images.

But in addition, Clyde McDonald Photography has had many opportunities over the years to be involved with: live event performances (including musical, dance, drama productions, & sporting events); public community marketing events; Realty & Architectural projects (such as MLS listing images); historical & touristic imaging projects; family portraiture; website & marketing ad imagery; food imagery; & other varied projects.

Clyde McDonald Photography is available for hire for projects in these specialized & additional areas.

Since a “picture says a thousand words” Clyde McDonald hopes his striking imagery will inspire his viewers to utilize his God-given talents & passion.

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Contact Clyde at 843-412-2375 or use the form on left.

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2114 Chancellory Lane, Charleston South Carolina 29414 |  843-412-2375 |